Berly's Blog

Friday, February 25, 2005

Technical Difficulties

Unfortunately my computer has been down for the last 24 hours, so I haven't had a chance to update my blog. Now that I am blogging I keep thinking of things throughout the day that might be interesting to the general public, my friends, and family. I hoping to make my blog interesting and worthy of your time.

Thursday I woke up with a horrible backache. I fell asleep sometime in the middle of the night when I got up with Angus. We sat in the living room and the only thing I remember is sitting down and latching him on. I think I sleep sitting up for the next 2 hours. I guess I get so exhausted from getting and up general child rearing that I sleep sitting up.

Gemma's friend Carson came over for the day because his mother, Hallie and brother, Harrison went to New Jersey for a long weekend. Hallie's husband Shannon, who is a lawyer, is probably one of the nicest people I know. He said when he gets off work he wants to take Gemma and Carson to Chuck E. Cheese. All day the kids were so excited about their date to Chuck E. Cheese. They had a great day playing together and they just get along really well. They even took attempted to take a nap together in which Gemma sat on her bed and Carson fell asleep on the floor in front of the door.

Thursday evening I went to visit the twins, Jeffrey and Matthew Homer. They are so tiny and so cute. Kim is doing a great job nursing both boys and she is a natural as a mother. I brought them their hats and I am looking forward to seeing the picture of me holding them in their new hats.


The twins hats.

Now for my actual Friday post....My social calendar is too full!!!

I was just thinking, why do I love being a social butterfly? Everyone teases me because I am always running around doing something or socializing with one group of friends or meeting new people. I seem to thrive on this. I think it is because I love to learn new things and with each person I meet, I learn something new and a lot of the time I form a new friendship.


Angus and Gemma laying in bed.

We started off the day running around crazy trying to get the kids ready to take Gemma to school. We were a little late as usual, but it was a pretty good day. I realize that I don't know how much longer I am going to be able to take Gemma to school. In order to take Gemma to school I need to be able to carry Angus on my body either in a sling, baby bjorn, etc. Angus seems to be a strapping 15lbs and I don't think I am going to be able to carry him for 2 hours for the next 12 weeks. If any one has suggestions on how to carry an infant, a relatively, large infant for 2 hours straight please let me know.

I had lunch plans with Brooke and Jen today at Postino. We were out celebrating Jen's 30th birthday.
Postino is one of my most favorite places to go in Phoenix. We had a lovely lunch, a great glass of wine and got a little knitting done. Brooke and I decided it was about time that we met Jen's significant other, Mike. We are planning on having dinner with them in the near future so we can give Jen the rubber stamp of approval. Are you nervous Jen, or maybe Mike should be???


Sleeping Angus...


The Birthday Girl! Jen is 30 tomorrow!!!! Happy Day!


Brooke, the knitter.


Young Jack enjoying the couches at Postino

After lunch I rushed home to get ready to go to yet another social event, Book Club. We read the book "The Notebook". Although I cried through a lot of the book, I did find it to be a little on the cheesy side for me. I am looking forward to reading the next book "The Other Boleyn Girl" by Philippa Gregory.

We are looking forward to a family outing tomorrow at the
Scottish Highland Games in Mesa. Stay tuned for pictures of men in kilts!


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