Berly's Blog

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Sicko Kids

We had plans to attend my MOMS Club playgroup in which we were having a post Valentine's Day party. I made the cupcakes and we were going to be decorating them. Unfortunately the kids have had pretty bad colds and I thought it was best if we didn't expose the rest of the kids to their runny noses. Instead we decided to run ERRANDS. Now Gemma and I had quite the discussion about errands in the car today. I told her instead of playgroup we were going to run some ERRANDS. She said Erin, (as in her cousin), in Ireland? No, I said, ERRANDS. Gemma said Erin, like Becca's (her other cousin) sister? No, ERRANDS like getting stamps, mailing letters, returning a book. I think she finally got it, but it is so hard to explain things to a 3 year old.

Today we ended up dropping the cupcakes off at playgroup for the other kids to decorate. I figured they would only go to my thighs if I didn't. We ran to
Changing Hands Bookstore to return a book I thought I would check out at the library. I realized that I didn't have Angus' stroller with me, so I would have to lug his very heavy car seat around. We stopped by home to pick up the car seat, but realized it wasn't there. I called Jonny at work and he told me that he had the stroller, so he ended up coming home and having a very speedy lunch with us.

The kids took a nice little nap while I started to watch the movie Traffic. As I was watching the movie I was working on my capelet. I originally bought the yarn I am using to make a sweater, but after two attempts of making the sweater and having to rip it out due to the gauge issues. (I guess I should knit a swatch...) I thought that yarn would be perfect for the Lion's Brand Capelet. I am about 2/3 done with the capelet and I will be bringing it to knitting tomorrow night.

I am quite excited to go to knitting at Mama Java's tomorrow night. I haven't been to Mama Java's in a while and we always get such a great turnout. I am also looking forward to seeing Becky Williams because she will have my new knitting bag. I am also going to hit Pam up for a crocheting lesson for the Rosette on my capelet. After my capelet is done I need to make 2 baby hats for my friend Kim's new twin boys and then I want to tackle socks. Anyone have a fun pattern???

Thanks to my dear friend Brooke, (I linked to Jack's blog as it is my favorite!) who is the goddess of blogging, I will attemp photos over the next few days. Wish me luck!


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