Berly's Blog

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I'm going to pack up my bags...

I don't mean to shock people by the title of my post today, but I have had that phrase in my head all day. Don't worry I'm not leaving Jonny. My 3 year old, who love music and especially mommy and daddy's music, kept saying to me in the mini-van today "Mommy, play the I'm going to pack up my bag song". I could not for the life of me think of what Miss Gemma was talking about. I scanned the entire BNL cd for clues, but to no avail. All day I just wondered what song she was talking about.

We had a nice day today. Gemma, Angus, and I headed to Arrowhead Meadow Park in Chandler for MOMS Club. I have to say Chandler has the most incredible city parks and this was another great one that we discovered today. After the park we headed up to Gemma's school to register her for preschool next year. She is going to go the preschool M-W-F from 9:00 am to 11:30 am beginning in September. She is looking forward to going to school by herself and I am looking forward to some 1:1 time with young Angus.

I finished sewing in the ends of one of the twin’s hat. Here is young Angus modeling the hat.


All afternoon I started cleaning the house. I was able to clean two bathrooms and the kid’s bedrooms. I think I might just have the whole house done by the weekend, so we can enjoy our weekend. Cleaning the house was actually not too bad. Gemma was a big help with cleaning her bathroom. She really loves to spray the cleaner bottle.

Jonny picked Gemma up for swimming lessons and Angus and I headed off for a run. Gemma is supposed to test out of her current class and then we are going to discontinue swimming lessons for now. Gemma has been going to Swim Kids for over a year now and we love her teacher Amy. Unfortunately the business is run horribly and we decided we need to leave. My main complaint was the lack of customer service, but they put their own nail in the coffin when the raised rate twice in one year. Jonny also was harassed about payment today when he brought Gemma to her lesson. It is too bad that we love Gemma’s teacher, but hate the way they run their business. I feel that if we would stay at Swim Kids we would be saying that we love the way they run their business and they actually deserve our business, but we don’t. Sorry Amy, we will miss you!!!

We had dinner when Gemma and Jonny got home and I asked Jonny what is Gemma talking about when she says “I’m going to pack up my bags song”? The answer, one of the best obscure bands I have ever heard Sonia Dada “You don’t treat me no good no more”.


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