Berly's Blog

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Hi ho, hi ho it's off to Avondale we go

It is so nice when Jonny has a long weekend away from work. It is really nice to have an extra day of help with the kids. Unfortunately Jonny decided that he would go out last night with his rugby buddies and have a few too many beers because "he forgot that the bars now close at 2 am." He was fairly useless to me, but I am glad that he had a night out on the town, one that he really deserved. He has been under a lot of stress at work and I am hoping this help eliminate some of it, even temporarily.

We had a really busy day having lunch with our friends Liz, Inigo, and their daughter Miren. Liz is a fabulous cook and we always enjoy eating her cooking and their company. After lunch we headed to Avondale to say good-bye to my friend from grade school, Nikki and her family. They have spent the past two year in AZ and decided to pack up and move to Nebraska. They want to be close to her parents. Very understandable since her parents are really great. We then ended up at my college friends' house to introduce them to Angus. It was really nice to have a day out just visiting with friends.

Pending my husband being fully recovered from Saturday night I am looking forward to knitting at Coffee Rush and lunch with Brooke.


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