Berly's Blog

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

I have been tagged...

My friend Julie, from Mac Attack has tagged me and asked me to write a list of 10 things I have never done, so here it goes....

10. I have never been to New York City, Washington D.C. or Chicago. (I do plan on visiting them one day with the kiddos.)
9. I have never met my biological father nor do I want to.
8. I have never been to the opera.
7. I have never watched "Desperate Housewives".
6. I have never had a bikini wax.
5. I have never been able to grow out my fingernails. (I am a horrible nail biter!)
4. I have never wanted to sky dive, hang glide, or anything else that would have me falling or floating in the sky.
3. I have never been a size 2 or a size 12 for that matter. (I am happy to say that I am closer to a size 2 than I am to a size 12.)
2. I have never done cocaine, heroin, mushrooms, or meth and I will never do them.
1. I have never seen "Ghostbusters"! (I don't really want to see Ghostbusters, but everyone cannot believe I haven't seen it! Am I missing something???)

I am now going to tag 3 friends: Pam, Melanie, and Eva.

I also have to mention that Gemma, Angus and I met our friends Marne, Reece and Elizabeth and Katherine, Lincoln, and Nolan at Espee Park in Chandler for a playdate. If you haven't been to Espee Park you are missing out. It is a great park with a wonderful splash pad for the kids to play. It is located on Knox and Arizona Ave. for you AZ residents. Take your kids there and enjoy!

Tonight I had the wonderful experience of being behind the counter at Cold Stone Creamery for our MOMS Club fundraiser. I have to say it was a ton of fun and I got a great bicep work-out scooping and mixing ice cream. I believe a career at Cold Stone would involve a person who has much self control because I kept wanting to lick my fingers! I finished off the night making myself a Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream with extra strawberries!

Tomorrow we are checking out a new splash pad in Chandler. I will report on it tomorrow.


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